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Drone Data Analysis

Propeller’s drone data analytics ensure that the right people have the right data at their fingertips, whenever they need it.

Drone data analytics—get the right data in the right hands, instantly

Propeller’s drone data analysis transforms raw datasets into actionable insights

Drones save surveyors and other earthwork professionals hassle, time, and money over traditional survey methods. Collect, process, and use survey data faster than you ever thought possible.

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A single drone flight collects thousands of images and geo-tagged reference points, with no need for traditional ground control. The data automatically uploads to the Propeller Platform, and voila! Advanced analytics like orthomosaics, 3D point clouds, digital surface models, and more appear at your fingertips.

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It might sound complicated, but Propeller’s drone data analysis software couldn’t be easier to use. With no manual processing required, instantly use drone data for taking measurements, making volume or stockpile calculations, progress tracking, comparing against design, and more.

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Drone data software is changing the landscape of earthwork surveys
Conduct your own site surveys before you bid on a project, and throughout that project’s life cycle. Track job progress and productivity against design/schedule. Spot and address problems—before you have to pay for them.
Measure stockpile, pit, and blast volumes with a few clicks, and never walk a pile again. Monitor haul roads and pit faces remotely with high-resolution aerial imagery. Perform equipment inspections and monitor contractors without ever having to walk the site.
Accurately calculate stockpile and pit volumes in seconds. Upload design surfaces to visually track progress against design in seconds. Plan blasting and extraction and monitor haul roads with easy-to-use measurement tools and 3D site maps.
Waste Management
Get an accurate picture of current cell volumes and calculate remaining airspace in the blink of an eye. Track and maximize compaction rates over time. Easily generate EPA reports showing current, changed, and remaining airspace.

The benefits of drone data analytics software

track progress
Track progress against design

No more guesswork—see exactly how much work is left to turn your worksite into a real-life representation of the design. Generate 3D models with each flight, and use our Timeline feature to track progress over time.

streamline reporting
Streamline reporting

The Propeller Platform comes with a wide variety of standardized reporting templates so you don’t have to reinvent the wheel each time. Or, customize templates so they match your reporting needs.

cross-functional collaboration
Cross-functional collaboration

Data silos are a massive pain point on worksites today, so we’ve made it our mission to provide a cloud-based drone data analytics platform where your site data can live. One-click sharing with unlimited users means anyone who needs the data can get it, any time.

monitor compliance
Monitor compliance

Monitor hazardous byproducts, runoff, and the movement of contaminated dirt to reduce damage and limit exposure to fines or delays. With a complete record of work on your site, you’ve got all the documentation you’ll need right at your fingertips.

identify safety hazards
Identify safety hazards

3D site maps allow you to conduct virtual safety inspections with no significant impact on your overhead. With the birds-eye view you get from drone-based data analytics, identify load issues, fire hazards, and other risks without putting anyone in harm’s way.

keep teams connected
Keep teams connected

Field crew and office employees haven’t always had a shared view—until now. Don’t let your site data slip through the cracks. Provide up-to-date reporting and visuals to create a shared source of truth on-site, no matter who’s looking at them.

measure material movement
Measure material movement

Quantify material movement with accuracy up to 1/10 foot, every time you fly. You’ll get an accurate volume measurement for dirt stockpiles, cut/fill, current grade against design, and more.

conduct walkthroughs
Conduct virtual walkthroughs

Digital visualization of a site offers the opportunity to notice things you miss when you’re there in person. Propeller Platform reporting makes it easy to translate 3D mapping into actionable insights and operational improvements.

manage worksite
Manage your worksite

Combine 3D site maps with an interactive toolbox and a continuous data stream, and you get an end-to-end worksite management solution. Dismantle your data silos, and create a worksite ecosystem that puts you leagues ahead of your competition.