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What can DirtMate do for your business?

Introducing DirtMate, an easy way to get daily volume and productivity tracking on your jobsite. Scroll down to learn how DirtMate delivers: 


  • Daily Volume and Productivity Tracking 

  • Machine Utilization Tracking

  • Insight into why you’re behind or ahead 

  • Easy access for team collaboration

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    Here’s what you can expect from a demo and consultation with with us:

    30-60 minutes live, video chat
    Discussion of your challenges / needs
    Customized demo of DirtMate features that matter to you
    Real-world examples & customer stories

    Explore what DirtMate can do for you and your business:

    Daily volume and productivity tracking

    With access to daily production quantities, you can easily cross-check production data against load counts to assess actual vs. target volumes moved. You also can easily review production activities across the entire worksite or in a specific area to more accurately bill for completed work, and quickly spot issues and take corrective action before they escalate.

    Machine utilization across your fleet

    DirtMate works on any machine, from any manufacturer. This means that you can easily view consolidated production information in one location. With the DirtMate Dashboard, you can see where your machines have been on site using a location timeline and the paths they took while moving using location trails. Plus, you’ll get a handy breakdown of each machine’s utilization (working, idle, off) across your entire fleet, enabling you to proactively minimize errors and idle time.

    Uncover why you’re behind or ahead

    You can’t manage what you can’t see. With DirtMate, you’ll be able to “see” everything happening on site, including how much dirt and other materials have been moved and when. This visibility and accessibility of critical site data is a true game changer for contractors today. With DirtMate, you’ll have all the data you need, when and where you need it most.

    Easy access for teams at the worksite

    Empower field teams with access to site data in a convenient, tablet-friendly interface. With unlimited users available, everyone on your team will have access to the same data, enabling them to more effectively communicate, collaborate, and complete their work.

    Looking for more ways to improve jobsite productivity?

    DirtMate could be the right fit for you and your projects
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