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Meet Your Data Success Team: Hazel Acelar

| 17.05.2019

Get to know Propeller’s world-class team in our ongoing employee spotlight. Today, we talk to Hazel Acelar, who serves as GIS specialist on the data success team. Hazel is based in Manila, Philippines.

Hazel Acelar Data Success team


What do you do at Propeller?

I’m on the data success team. We focus on data processing and answering questions customers might have about the Propeller Platform. They upload their survey data, and if they encounter any problems with it, or need any troubleshooting, we’re there to help. We work on the technical side of all the processing, and also provide support all throughout to our customers.


What’s your career background?

Propeller is my first official job. Straight from university, I landed at Propeller. I’m part of the big University of the Philippines contingent here at the company. I have my degree in geodetic engineering. I’m really happy about being here.


Where did you grow up?

I’ve always lived in the city, in Metro Manila, here in the Philippines. It’s the capital city.


What’s your favorite Propeller memory?

Everything that happened while I was at our Sydney office for my initial training. I just loved everything about it, how people were just so welcoming and warm.

One of the best things was how the team celebrates the little things, the little achievements that every single team member does. One that stands out is the conversation that I had with Danielle, our talent acquisition manager, during my last day training at our Sydney office. It was then that I got to tell someone about my experiences during my stay, and all of the wonderful feelings I’ve felt working with them during those weeks. Starting out anxious to begin my first job, Danielle helped me loosen up, and said I should be proud of myself for everything that I’d accomplished during training.

That trip was my first time in Sydney—my first time to travel on my own and abroad, actually. So it’s a pretty big deal to me. Propeller has given me a lot of new experiences that I will cherish forever.

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Any talents, secret superpowers, or fun facts about yourself to share?

I’m fond of singing. My taste in music is pretty eclectic. It’s really anything that catches my interest.


If you could be any piece of technology, what would you be and why?

I’d want to be a satellite. It’s probably because I had a childhood dream of becoming an astronaut. It’s an ultimate goal for me to get to outer space, and observe the planet from a new perspective. This choice is also probably because of the work I do now, too. Satellites do seemingly simple things for some people, but their impact in science and society is huge. From navigation to observation, the data they gather form a lot foundational understanding.


Do you have an office nickname? If so, what is it and how did you get it?

Not really. Since my name is just a single word and only two syllables, you don’t need to shorten it.


If you could wake up tomorrow having gained any one quality or ability, what would it be?

Teleportation. I love traveling and seeing new places, so it would be fantastic if I could get to anywhere I want to visit, any time I want to go.


What’s one thing you wish people understood better about Propeller?

I wish people knew how fantastic Propeller’s culture is. I tell my friends about it all the time. Everyone here helps each other; we’re all for progress. You can see how people are passionate about their work, and it affects you too. It makes you want to grow and improve along with your colleagues. At the same time, those people help and support you to do just that.

The successes that people achieve here are probably not because of a single person alone, but because of the collaborative effort that goes into everything at Propeller.


Want to join the Propeller team? We’re hiring!


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