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How Accurate is the new DJI Phantom 4 RTK?

| 20.10.2018

The announcement of the new DJI Phantom 4 RTK has the surveying world buzzing about the possibilities of accurate survey results, but few in-field data reports exist out there about the specific survey accuracy for the RTK setup.drone ppk DJI Phantom 4 RTK

Something’s coming: Phantom 4 RTK’s impressive accuracy, but without a base station . . .

Over the last few months, Propeller has been working with DJI to test the Phantom 4 RTK and we’ve created a unique workflow that delivers survey-grade accuracy without the use of an RTK base station.

We’ll be making an announcement in the coming days, but in the meantime, here is an example of the impressive levels of accuracy we are seeing from our new workflow.

Stay tuned for a formal announcement, and if you’re interested in getting more information before that, contact us now.

The New Survey Grade Accuracy Tool: Propeller PPK to AeroPoints

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