Passing your Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Part 107 test and earning your remote pilot certificate as a commercial drone pilot might seem like a difficult or time-consuming process, especially without experience. You may be asking “When do I have time to study? It’s been forever since I’ve studied for anything.” And some people have considerable test anxiety. But you don’t need to be worried—the whole process is straightforward. In fact, it’s much simpler than most people think. In this post we’ll explain what’s involved.
But first, we’ll cover who actually needs a Part 107 drone pilot license and some basics about flying your drone.
Depending on if you want to fly a drone recreationally or professionally changes the answer to this question. If you plan to fly a drone in for business purposes then yes, you do need to obtain your Part 107 drone license before doing so.
However, if you want to fly your drone recreationally, a different set of more informal requirements exists. All you have to do to be able to fly your drone recreationally is to first take an online course, which should only take about 30 minutes to one hour to finish. At the conclusion of the course is an online test that you must pass. The test is called TRUST, which stands for “The Recreational UAS Safety Test.” Access to this test can be found here.
Once you complete these prerequisites, you will be all set to fly your drone. Here are some additional ground rules that are good to follow to avoid any mistakes or accidents.
In the United States, you must follow FAA rules in order to legally fly a drone. The FAA governs airspace across the country and requires drone pilots to have a license to operate in certain areas and situations. However, pilots only need a drone license in the U.S. if they are operating for commercial reasons. Basically, commercial drone use is broadly defined, meaning you’ll need a license if your intent to fly is non-recreational.
As mentioned above, drone licenses are often referred to as FAA Part 107 certificates, named for the regulation that controls commercial drone flights. They are also known as “remote pilot” licenses. The Part 107 license is meant to ensure that commercial drone pilots have a basic understanding of what airplane and helicopter pilots are doing in the surrounding airspace. Drone pilots can obtain all the information needed from the FAA’s website. But the goal of the Part 107 drone license is to confirm that they understand the basics, in case an issue arises midflight, or they need to verify their current airspace.
So how do you go about obtaining a drone license? The requirements are pretty straightforward. You must be:
Provided you meet these criteria, you then need to pass a 60-question multiple-choice exam that tests your knowledge of airspace, weather, regulations, airport operations, aeronautical decision-making, among other flight-related topics. The drone license test is a bit harder than the driver’s test. Everyone drives a car. But the Part 107 certification process isn’t overwhelming by any means. Even people who haven’t picked up a book in years can easily pass. The FAA also offers a free study guide to use in preparing for the exam.
Here’s the process to follow to obtain your commercial drone license:
Remember, while your drone license allows you to fly commercially, according to the Part 107 rules, you must still register each drone you plan to use with the FAA.
Finally, it’s important to remember that even though your drone license never expires, you have to renew it every two years to remain current by taking a shorter, 40-question exam and passing with a grade of 70% or better.
A sectional chart is an old-school way for pilots to navigate different airspaces and hazardous terrain. It’s basically a map that doesn’t require a phone or functioning GPS [image below].
You have to be able to look at that map, understand what airspace is what, and the meanings behind all the different symbols.
Weather is also an important topic covered in the exam. Make sure you can understand METAR reports. You should also have a basic understanding of radio communication protocol. Once you fully understand these key components, you’re almost guaranteed to pass!
Some of the more important aspects of flying a drone to survey your site are remembering to fly 400 feet or lower, knowing the difference between open airspace and restricted, and understanding how close you can fly to buildings or how to report an accident. It’s crucial to know this practical information that may only arise in certain situations. Being well informed, you’ll be able to avoid fines for something you didn’t even know was illegal.
Besides Propeller’s free study guide there are many free resources to help you prepare for the exam. Across all of these separate study guides, you will find any area of focus that you need to properly prepare for the Part 107 exam. Our study guide offers a lot of in depth information about the questions you will be asked on the exam so make sure that you give yourself an adequate amount of time to prepare for the exam. For people who are more familiar with the subject matter some will be able to pass the test with only 2-3 nights of focused study, but if this is your first time taking the exam, we recommend you spend a bit more time and commit at least 4-5 days of study before the exam.
To make it even easier, we created a comprehensive study guide with everything you need to pass the Part 107 remote pilot test on your first try.
Download our free Part 107 Study Guide today!
Depending on if you want to fly a drone recreationally or professionally would change the answer to this question. If you are going to be flying a drone in a commercial environment for business purposes then yes, you do need to obtain your part 107 drone license before doing so.
However, if you want to fly your drone recreationally there is a different set of much more casual requirements that you have to pass first. All you have to do in order to be able to fly your drone recreationally is to first take an online course which should only take about 30 to one hour to finish. At the conclusion of the course is an online test which you must pass. The test is called TRUST, which stands for “the Recreational UAS Safety Test”. Access to this test can be found here.
Once you get beyond these prerequisites you will be all set to fly your drone. But there are some other ground rules that are good to follow to avoid any mistakes or accidents.
If you’re getting your Part 107 drone license for general surveying, you don’t have to get into the weeds of understanding every detail of the drone. The drones Propeller recommends literally fly themselves. You’re just there as a failsafe.
So yes, the Part 107 license is a necessary part of commercial drone operation, but don’t get overwhelmed by the false idea that the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) will be breathing down your neck about every detail of your small unmanned aircraft flights. They won’t. And if you need additional assistance, our fantastic team of customer success engineers is available to help get you the resources you need to pass the Part 107 test.
Obviously, passing the part 107 test is an essential part of getting your commercial drone pilot license, but don’t be afraid. The test may sound like a daunting challenge but with the proper resources and preparation passing the part 107 test is an easy step towards getting your license. Below we included a link to our free part 107 certification test study guide. Besides Propellers free study guide there are a glut of free resources to help you prepare for the exam. Across all of these separate study guides you will find any area of focus that you need to properly prepare for the part 107 exam. Our study guide offers a lot of in depth information about the questions you will be asked on the exam so make sure that you give yourself an adequate amount of time to prepare for the exam. For people who are more familiar with the subject matter some will be able to pass the test with only 2-3 nights of focused study but if this is your first time taking the exam we recommend you spend a bit more time and commit at least 4-5 days of study before the exam.